Please select the country for which you wish to receive a tax receipt.

If your country is not in the list, you can contact to make your donation.
If your tax country is not listed, Epic will not be able to issue a tax receipt for your donation, but you can still donate on the form of your choice.

As a reminder, Epic does not charge fees for your donation. However, the payment provider does.
For donations over £10,000 or IFI donations, email us at

Your contribution

Donate once


Donate every month

Why donate ?

Epic identifies outstanding social organizations that help disadvantaged children and youth with a proven impact through a careful selection process and rounds of vetting so you can trust that your donations will make a difference. Epic monitors these organizations to inform you and enable you to explore your impact. 100% of the money we receive is given to the organization you select, or to the portfolio as a whole. Epic Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity in the United States, a Registered Charity #1163753 in the United Kingdom,  an Endowment Fund in France and a tax-exempt charitable foundation in Switzerland.

Your details

* Required Fields (this information is mandatory to issue your tax receipt)

Your privacy matters

Your contact details are required to process your donation and any tax receipt produced. In accordance with local legislation, you have a right to know how your personal data will be handled. You can consult our privacy policy here. You can contact us at any time for more information or to amend our records. 

Your payment

Highly secure payments using 256-bit SSL encryption method, the highest security standard.

Apple Pay

I prefer with my credit card

The 3 digit security code is located on the back of your card


This payment platform is secure in accordance with PCI-DSS norms and all data are encrypted by our partner iRaiser. For more information, please contact us.